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// #DontGetBentOutOfShape / Thoughts on body image


As I watch the content being posted on social media channels, it’s hard to miss the obsession we have with body and image. No matter the campaign at hand, I seem to find, even the "proud of your body" social posts are still a focus on the body… And I’m sick of the body obsession that takes time and energy from living a life that is full of positive experiences.  

Regardless of gender, we all think about our bodies far more than we should. It takes away precious time… Life is short, and imagine how much you could do and be and enjoy if all the moments you spent worrying about your body were used for something more positive and fulfilling. Social media has a wonderful way to build community but it also creates a false narrative of what health is, what bodies look like, and how we should feel in our bodies…

As someone with a past of depression, anxiety and borderline eating disorder as a teen (anxiety manifested into me being about 85lbs and almost dying)… I’ll be the first to say, the mind is a key component to body acceptance and peace. Our thoughts fuel everything from how we feel to the actions we take, to how we treat ourselves and those around us.

I’m much more interested in what my body can do and far less in what it looks like. Certainly, there is a message of health in everything I do, but the only thing I ever got from obsessing over my body or comparing my insides to other people’s outsides, was tired. Tired of having to waste my precious time and energy and thoughts on something so arbitrary, relative and ultimately meaningless. Fundamentally we are not our bodies… They are just fun sporty models we get to run around in while we are on this beautiful earth. So why not let go of all the obsession… All the comparison… Because time is of the essence, and you might as well be proud of who you are… Be it thick, be it slim, be it muscular, be it short or tall… Just chill… Even if you’re on a health journey to something else.

Body image is a weird thing, honestly. Speaking from where I am now, I rarely think about it. I’m so concerned with all the thoughts in my head and the feelings in my heart, and trying to find love in everything I do while praying for those who need my blessings, and being a humble and earnest person in the world… I don’t have time to think about my body. It’s just a handy vehicle for my soul while I run around this planet for a spark of time in the grand scheme of infinity.

I think the strongest thing one can do, mentally and otherwise, is set an intention. From that place, all decisions should flow. An intuition (mine was always, ‘I want to feel good’) or mantra, will help you make choices that reflect your inner most desire. When you’re living based on that intention, your body will follow suit. My skin, my hair, how my joints move, to how my digestion works is a reflection of the decisions I make based on the simple intention of “I want to feel good.”

Maybe it sounds simplistic. Maybe it sounds far too optimistic and carefree. But I can promise you, nothing fulfilling and beautiful will come from a mind full of obsession and comparison. You will never feel the self assured peace and love that comes with accepting your self and your physical form.

What is your intention?

What affirmation do you use to change your inner dialogue to a more positive, and loving one?

What does self love mean to you and how do you show that to yourself?

Join the conversation here, and don’t forget to post your #dontgetbentoutofshape participation on socials!