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// #mindfulmonday 

If there is one thing that I think can make your life better, in any area, it is your mindset. We have the power to work on our brains, and the thoughts we think, including the messages we tell ourselves all day long. In honor of this new #mindfulmonday post, I’m going to list a few things that come to mind on the topic.

/ What does it mean… “Mindful” ?

To be mindful, simply means “pay attention” and when we pay attention our minds and bodies slow down. This is where the healing aspects of meditation come into play. 

/ Then what is meditation? 

Meditation is the practice of thinking deeply, or focusing one’s mind for a given period of time, in silence or by use of someone’s voice in a guided meditation. I encourage and talk a great deal about meditation, with my background in depression and anxiety, and yet I think many are intimidated by it, or scared.

If you have never even tried to meditate, I can imagine it might seem overwhelming or something you can’t do because your thoughts don’t stop… or even boring. You might think it will take too long or not help. Well, the thing is… every little bit helps. We all have to start somewhere, and even 10 minutes of focusing your mind can help. Use an app, and choose a meditation that is guided (meaning someone will talk you through what to think and how to properly relax your body) and choose a quiet, safe space to practice. 

In terms of being scared… sometimes thoughts and issues we don’t want to deal with because they hurt come up. Sometimes these thoughts expose sides of us we don’t want to face or acknowledge, sometimes they show us how we are and we don’t want to accept that. This might happen. This might not. Feelings are scary but I can tell you that working through anything rough, will only get you to a higher, more light, and more free space. 

/ How to be mindful?

Try meditation. Try to tune into your senses more. Try to give yourself some silence, and allow thoughts to come and go. Focus on your breath. Find a mantra that works for you or repeat your intention… or anything that speaks to you.

Try apps that can help you meditate. 

In yoga class, never leave before savasana, which is often the highest form of practice (to be still.)

/ In closing 

Being mindful, and paying attention will allow you to be more present in your life. It will change your brain, too. Though scientists aren’t fully sure how it works, the brain changes the brain. It has been found with consistent meditation, the brain changes in areas that relate to emotional intelligence. It means you will have more empathy for yourself and others, more compassion for yourself and others… And overall, it has the power to change how you react to stimuli in your environment, and ultimately live a better, calmer, more fulfilling life. 

/ #mindfulmonday suggested thoughts

For this week, I share with you my favorite, and most powerful mantra. You could also call it an affirmation, and you can repeat it over and over as you meditate or all day long if you’d like. 

In yoga I say, come back to the breath. But you can also come back to your thoughts, come back to your intention, come back to what you want to tell yourself… But make sure to always keep the thoughts in the positive versus the negative. For example, instead of I am not tired, change it to something like, I am alive, awake, and aware. 

Fill in the blank with something that speaks to you. 

I AM _____________. 


I am loved, loving and lovable. 

I am abundance. 

I am powerful, strong, and able face anything that comes my way. 

I am a child of addiction and it’s not my shame. 

I am bigger than my struggles. 

I am alive, awake, and aware. 

I am happy with my body, and love what it can do. 

I am safe. 

I am ready. 

I am willing. 


And the list goes on. Insert anything you need to hear, or are working on, and let that be where your mindfulness and meditation starts.