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So one of the most requested things I get asked about is skin care…which starts from the inside. I’m no skin professional but I am happy to share a few things I use that have worked for me. 


/  Drink water. This goes without saying… hydration is one of the major needs of the body and especially the skin. Dry skin is more likely to show age, tiredness, and wrinkle prematurely. 

/ Never sleep with make up on. This should be gospel. Never go to sleep without washing your face. Even if you don’t wear much make up, the day to day grime can build up on the skin. Let sleep be a time for the skin to be totally clean so it can rest and rejuvenate itself. 

/ Cleanse the skin appropriately. It is not always about a power scrubbing or something extreme. Depending on your skin type, different approaches can work. Less is always more with skin. Keep it simple. I love oil cleansers for getting make up off, don’t be afraid of oil face washes. Quickly became a favorite as skin, even when breaking out, needs moisture. Stripping all the oils might only cause more problems. 

// FAVS 

Tatcha Cleansing Oil (so good)

Jose Maran Cleansing Oil (a long time fav)

Tata Harper Regenerating Cleanser (also exfoliates, no need for a brush)

Glossier. Milk Jelly Cleaner (just so good, and gentle)

/ Moisturize. Do not be scared of keeping your skin hydrated. Dry skin will go searching for oil anywhere it can, which can actually lead to break outs. I also want to be young and supple forever…So… find a moisturizer you like, and use it. Every day. Morning and night, on clean skin. 


/ Exfoliate. Getting rid of dead skin, and helping to increase the production of new collagen…we all know exfoliating is good for us. It can be irritating for some, so I find every other day or at least 3 times a week works well for this. This goes for body, face, neck, and lips. 

Find one that works for you, it should not feel like you’re ripping your skin off…gentle formulas also work. 

Franks Body Scrubs

Franks Lip Scrub

/ Take skin / hair nourishing vitamins. I would say do this daily but I forget, and for some biotin can cause break outs. I have been taking these supplements for over two years now, for my hair and nails… but your skin and joints will also benefit from them. 

With any supplement, please do your own research to see if they are a good fit for your body and needs. 

Neocell Beauty Bursts

Neocell Biotin Bursts

/ Face Masks. There are so many masks out there. Some use them once a week, others use them every 2-3 weeks (Like me. Hey, time is a luxury, but I can easily slap one on in the evenings while I’m checking emails, after I wash my face.) They all seem to serve different purposes… and have different levels of ingredients. Look for one that is best for your skin needs. These are the two I use most. 

Tata Harper Purifying Mask

Bliss Multi-‘Face’-etedMask (be aware this contains ingredients that can make skin sensitive to sunlight. Use accordingly.)

/ Change your pillow case! So much crap can get onto your pillow case that you put your precious face on every night. I have been using the Sleep Clean Care pillow case to help with this (it inhibits bacteria growth.) Other wise, change those pillow cases for clean ones often. This also goes for towels you use on your face. Even use paper towels and pat off water if your skin is prone to break outs. (I have often done this to get rid of all possible bacteria that could get to my skin.)

Sleep Clean Case Pillow Case



In the mornings, I use nothing but water to wash my face. Followed by an eye cream (type changes if my eyes or puffy or not.) And tons of moisturizer (also changes by season or current skin vibes)

If I’m wearing make up, a primer is a must. It creates a layer between your skin and anything you put on it…as well as keeping what you do put on it smooth. 

Fav moisturizer

Fav primer

Drugstore fav primer


Evenings are when it all comes off…and I am passionate about getting everything off. I have never been able to “wash my face” and get eye make up off (considering I only wear mascara, I have no idea how make up bloggers can get that stuff off without a separate remover.) 

I use coconut oil to remove my eye make up, just a little works. Then I tissue that off gently, and wash my face with a cleanser (listed above), and sometimes with a face brush (like those clarisonic ones, but there are so many out now for a lower price point that work just as well.) 

Then comes serums, eye creams, anything else that needs to get into the skin. 

Next comes Lush full of grace… my favorite. Ever. And maybe some more moisturizer depending, to lock in all those oils. I go off to bed looking like an oil slick… but I’d rather that than wrinkles.

Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil (Any coconut oil works but look for organic, refined for beauty)

Cleansers (listed above)

Lush Full of Grace Bar


Love yourself. Your skin is beautiful, and yours and yours alone, take care of it.