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// BioChem Protein: Blending science and nature

This post is sponsored by Biochem

 Life has been surprisingly busy lately.  I’m lifting again (with a mask and lots of hand washing) while seeing clients all week. I always need more sustainable protein options with my active lifestyle. In  an ideal world, I’d have 1g of protein /lb of body weight, and it’s not always easy to think about getting protein all the time. I love how Biochem is making it easy to get this protein in for me, to keep my muscles strong and my health supported. Did you know that BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids,)  found in Biochem’s Whey Protein are crucial for maintenance of immune function?  

 I’ve been a long time protein powder fan for after heavy workouts, but I like to keep protein powder at home for when I need a quick snack or if I’m running late and have to eat something. Though I haven’t been cooking much, I hear great  things about how easy it is to add Biochem  Protein to pancakes, muffins, etc.  I’m alternating between the Whey Protein which contains all amino acids, and is made from a cool process that is chemical free micro-filtration/ultra-filtration which means key nutrients that support the immune system remain intact, and the Plant  Protein  which is a 100% vegan protein with a complete amino acid profile. 

For more information on how Biochem combines science and nature, check out