// QualityWear

I’m often asked where I got certain work out clothes, or how things fit. Considering everything I wear has an athletic purpose or looks like I just came from P.E.; here are a few things from the past week— with notes. 

Yoga with Steph

Bra (low impact, but the style is so good. Makes the ladies look nice, too) 

Pants (yes, they are white, yes they tight, and yes, they will get dirty with the quickness) 

Yoga & Errands

Bra (super snug but I love the color) 

Jacket  on sale now! 

Pants (my fav) 

Sneakers (not pictured) 

Dog Walking

YARD Hoodie (shipping to US is limited but a dope site even if you don’t buy a hoodie #france) 

basic white tee 

Pants (they not baggy on me y’all)  

Sneakers (similar, no idea where to get these salmon ones) 

Midnight Movies  

Jacket DiemNY (love that it’s not heavy, and long. for men, women, for anyone.) 

Sweater (I got a L so its huge and cozy. I love tops I can throw on with work out pants and look like I have my life together but when I hit the gym can easily take it off to get a work out in) 

Jeans old H&M 

Sneakers (my favorites. I'm really into white outfits and nothing better than white shoes for that monochromatic look so these get tons of wear.) 

// #FridayFavorites

#FridayFavorites will be an every other Friday venture. Let me know any of types of things you’d like to see! 


/ Nike Air Force 1 FlyKnit // the most comfortable lightest kicks as of late. well done nike, well done. 

/ Puma Eskiva High Sneakers // super comfy, clean and sleek. 

/ Manduka Halter Bra and Best Pants // manduka recently launched a sustainable line of clothing, that is environmentally conscious and super nice to wear and think. if you watch my snapchat, you already know I live in these pants. 

notes// the bra runs bigger than I’m used to, so room for boobs. pants have pockets! so much yes.

/ Alo Yoga Wisteria Bra Top // the black/white and maroon/black got me going. more yoga, less sport but looks great on. 

/ Hanes White Hoodie // where would I be without a white hoodie. and one that isn’t expensive so I can buy 5 of them. Don’t forget basics are always part of work out wear and layering. 


/ Raw Rev // Got the chance to try Raw Rev’s new cookie dough and espresso flavors, still my fav vegan raw bar…that’s low sugar, and high fiber. New flavors coming soon.

/ Aduna Super Foods // Love the taste, love the mission. So much to learn about new superfoods that could help our bodies, and the lives of those who harvest these foods. 


/ The Rhythm of Life // As a first book I have been skimming back through, it’s worth a read for all those who ask me for book suggestions. Here is another book CB Book List.

/ The Thing All Women Do That You Don’t Know About // worth a read as sexism exists and is something women have to deal with every day. I could talk about this all day, and maybe some day I do.

/ The Moral Bucket List // old article with a relevant point either way.

It occurred to me that there were two sets of virtues, the résumé virtues and the eulogy virtues. The résumé virtues are the skills you bring to the marketplace. The eulogy virtues are the ones that are talked about at your funeral — whether you were kind, brave, honest or faithful. Were you capable of deep love?


/ Dark Universe // Neil DeGrasse Tyson back with dark matter, and more…trip galaxy talk for the esoteric and scientific. Watched at the American Museum of Natural History, but hopefully it is playing somewhere close to everyone. 

/ The National Parks: America’s Best Idea // sort of a life changing documentary series for me, especially if you appreciate nature and how healing and magical it can be. Netflix or PBS

/ A Gang Story // not new but I sure enjoyed it as a break from reading and writing. French with subtitles. Netflix

/ Run // 4 part show, of 4 different lives of different struggle that were all connected. Netflix


/ Amore Pacific Face Spray // critical for flights, everyday refreshes, and can even be a setting spray. smells amazing. always in my bag.

/ Tata Harper Hand Lotion // winter necessity