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// #QualityReads

I’ve spent a lot of my life buried in books. A book list has been requested many times, so to begin…a little list of books that have most influenced my thinking.

The Power of Intention, Wayne Dyer // Read this and listened to it probably 40 times as a book on tape, and can quote much of it. Just really important. Therapist recommended… I remember the first time she said “what’s your intention” to me. It’s over a decade later and I’m still trying to live by that principle. 

Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person, Hugh Prather // I adore this book. It’s a quick-ish read but I continue to go back to it. For its words, for its thoughts, for its honest approach to how a man is sorting through feelings and himself, as we all do. It’s just a solid read. 

Rhythm of Life, Matthew Kelly // It’s a really good starting place for someone asking the question, how to live a more sound and authentic life that connects me to my purpose, makes me feel empowered and real, and shows me how that is structured. I just really like his approach.

The 7 Levels of Intimacy, Matthew Kelly // Recommended by my adolescent therapist, who I still adore for all the gifts of thought and presence she gave me.

Party of One: The Loner’s Manifesto, Anneli Rufus // I loved this. The intro was more meaningful because it confirmed being an introverted, weird, super creative (or maybe super smart?) kid who didn’t much care for her peers. (Some liken this to Quiet about introverts, but I didn’t really “feel” that one.) 

Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill // Always fascinating, with quotes that stick with me (“Awake, arise, and assert yourself, you dreamers of the world.”) and lots about the mind, thoughts, attraction, and being ready for your opportunity when it appears. It also touches on love and how powerful it is in success. 

Living a Life that Matters, Harold S. Kushner // Listened to this as an audiobook, and then read it, but it’s a touching book. Just the spirit and aim is gentle and earnest. 

The Wisdom of Insecurity, Alan Watts // Not quite what the title says, but a classic for those who think deeper and beyond the regular concept of living in the present, and what that means.

The War of Art, Steven Pressfield // Sort of an essential for the creative… He also wrote Turning Pro, but I liked this one more. 

Daring Greatly, Brene Brown // Brown and her thoughts on vulnerability, a very accessible book for those getting into work on the self. 

Mating in Captivity, Ester Perel // Found her through her TED talks. She has some really interesting thoughts on infidelity and desire in relationships… And having a less than conventional view and thought process on relationships myself, I gravitated towards her methods as whatever we are currently doing isn’t working in most modern relationships… Hell, what I’m doing might not be working either but I’ll sure as hell try to arm myself with the most tools and knowledge I can.

Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle, Chris Hedges // A smart, cynical friend who has the most beautiful mind was reading this once, and me being a creep for connection, decided to read it too. It’s fitting, and draws a social theory of things…worth a read for those who know it’s all an illusion. 

What Makes a Man, 22 Writers Imagine the Future, Rebecca Walker // It was just an interesting book, about what we think of when we think of a man, for now and the future.

That Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations for Codependents, Melody Beattie // Classic 12 step daily devotionals book, from my therapy/treatment days.

Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One With the Universe, Yumi Sakugawa // Bought this at a meditation studio here in NYC, it’s a beautiful day when a studio just for guided meditation and mindfulness can exist, but it's a cute illustrated book to the universe. Being a moon child I like it… Not deep, mostly cute. 

Currently Reading // 

The Road to Character, David Brooks // Read an essay on NY Times from the author, David Brooks… Was hooked and the book continues to satisfy. A life well lived is really more about the depth of your heart and how well you loved...not things that look pretty on a resume. 

How to Be an Adult in Love: Letting Love in Safely and Showing It Recklessly, David Richo // If you’re already on the path of universal love, for self and the rest of everything…and needing some more guidance and reassurance about love…. And really solidifies my live in love, not fear… That I preach. Making decisions out of love and not fear, continues to make life better, fuller, richer, and more beautiful everyday. 

Other Notable Reads // 

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, Eckhart Tolle

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

The Art of Peace, Morihei Ueshiba

Fascinate, Sally Hogshead

Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbolism, Morihei Ueshiba

What are you reading? Follow and comment, to let me know what else I should check out.